Arranmore Ferry

Alexa Basics

Here's a quick guide to get started using Alexa with Tory Ferry.

Launch Tory Ferry

Alexa, Ask Tory Ferry, when the next sailings are?

Alexa, Ask Tory Ferry what the ferry times are today

Alexa, Ask Tory Ferry, what the crossings are tomorrow

Read more from the Alexa developer and how it was built over at Hexa Studios.

Arranmore Ferry Mobile App

The Arranmore Ferry Mobile is available for free for Android and iOS devices. It gives you all the latest information on timetables, you can receive notifications about changes and buy tickets for your next trip to Arranmore Island.

Arranmore Ferry Mobile App, available on Android and iOS


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Arranmore Ferry

The Blue Ferry sailing between Arranmore Island and Burtonport

Blue Ferry Office, Burtonport Pier, Co. Donegal, F94 C449


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